A Comprehensive Kitchen Closing Checklist to Keep Your Restaurant in Shape

Why does a kitchen closing checklist matter?

Let us start with a simple task. Take a look around your apartment kitchen at the end of the day; there's a lot that goes on there. To keep germs and pests away, you must wash the dishes, pack the leftovers, prepare for the next day's meal, and maintain cleanliness. Consider a much larger kitchen than yours, one that serves hundreds of people in the United States every day. How much effort would it take to get that closed?

Furthermore, because so many people are working in the same kitchen, mistakes can go unnoticed, resulting in a lot of confusion the next day. So, a kitchen closing checklist is required to keep a restaurant kitchen calm and sanitary.

Here are a few reasons why a Kitchen closing checklist is essential-

  • They're simple. We all forget things from time to time. With clearly laid out tasks and directions for your team to follow, checklists make this impossible.
  • Depending on the size of your staff, kitchen, and list of responsibilities, divide the kitchen checklist activities as needed.
  • They're simple to utilize. If the checklist is basic enough, any restaurant employee, from the owner to the dishwasher, can follow it.
  • They're simple to alter. Including a new task in your restaurant's closing process? Make a note of it on the list and print a fresh copy for tomorrow.
  • They aren't only for you. Document your processes for your team for they may never know the right course of action if this is not done.

Tasks that a kitchen closing checklist includes

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We all like to think of ourselves as Mr./Ms. Know It All from time to time, but in the restaurant industry, this can backfire. You cannot run a restaurant industry if you believe you know everything and can manage a kitchen without a clear plan of action. Therefore, you must create a Kitchen Closing Checklist.

Kitchen closing checklist tasks include-

  • Turning off heating and other utilities
  • Checking on perishable foods that could have been forgotten
  • Examining and discarding anything that is no longer in use
  • Checking if refrigerator and freezer are both operational and locked
  • Checking on cabinets locks
  • Checking if the kitchen is cleaned and sanitized
  • Activating the alarm system
  • Locking up the restaurant
With so much to accomplish, it's best to have a checklist so that everyone knows who is responsible for what. Zip Checklist is the greatest approach to making the checklist available to your staff. You can modify and update online and make the checklist available on mobile devices with Zip Checklist, making it easy for everyone.

Zip Checklist has created user-friendly tools that can aid in the coordination of your restaurant's workforce. For a free demo, please contact the Zip Checklist team.

It’s the end of the day, and you’ve got to close up shop. But where do you start?

This comprehensive kitchen closing checklist will help you keep your restaurant in shape for the next day

Benefits of kitchen closing checklist

A kitchen closing checklist has numerous advantages just like the Restaurant Cleaning checklist, but to name two, it will save you money and help you get customers. According to P&G Professional study, 85 percent of customers believe that eating in a clean restaurant is just as vital as eating good food.

The following are some of the advantages of using a Kitchen Closing Checklist-

1. Helpful reminder

For a restaurant to run smoothly, each team member must work together toward a single goal. Even the most basic jobs, such as wiping the door handles, might be overlooked when there are a lot of people doing things and a lot of things to do. Checklists assist employees in ensuring that no duty, no matter how small, is overlooked.

2. Staff accountability

You can hold employees accountable if something goes wrong or a task isn't finished if you have restaurant checklists that they must complete and sign off on at the beginning and end of each day.

You'll be able to tell who was accountable for what works on any given day whether you have one person fill out each checklist or allocate it to numerous employees and have them sign their initials next to each completed assignment.

A restaurant is a complicated machine. The more parts you have, the more likely it is that things will go wrong

Our comprehensive kitchen closing checklist will help keep your business in shape for years to come

3. Cost savings

Turning off the lights and lowering the heat or air conditioning is a crucial element of closing a restaurant at night. This simple task saves a lot of money on utility bills. When this task is included in the restaurant closing checklist, it is more likely that it will be completed. Your restaurant may save money and be more energy-efficient by reducing gas and electricity usage.

4. Increased safety

Locking up the restaurant, arming the security system, and making sure all large appliances are switched off are all crucial closing tasks. A break-in or fire could threaten employees and customers, as well as result in exorbitant costs that could put the company out of business. These critical tasks are more likely to be completed when they are included in the restaurant closing checklist, which increases restaurant security.

Tips for implementing a kitchen closing checklist

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Here are some tips to implement a restaurant closing checklist-

1. Brainstorm tasks

To begin with, make a list of the tasks that will be included in the checklist. Write down the routine tasks that the FOH, BOH, and management team members perform at the conclusion of the day. Also, inquire about whatever chores they believe should be included in their opening and closing routines. They're on the ground floor, and their knowledge will be invaluable.

2. Create your restaurant checklists

Create checklists based on responsibilities. Put a checkbox next to each item and have employees check off tasks as they are completed, then sign off, date, and timestamp the checklist when it is finished. To encourage accountability, ask team members to put their initials next to items they've accomplished if you're splitting up responsibilities. Make distinct checklists for the opening and closing shifts, as well as for other restaurant roles.

3. Share checklists with the team

If you've never utilized checklists previously in your restaurant, we recommend announcing them in an all-staff meeting or through your team's communication tool. Explain how they'll be used and what you expect from them.

4. Stay organized

Keep a binder with copies of the checklists in the workplace or in a location that is relevant to each function. If you want to go digital, opt for a checklist software like Zip Checklist and share it with whoever is in charge of making sure each item is accomplished.

How to set up a kitchen closing checklist

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The checklist will alter slightly depending on the type of kitchen you're working in. The basics will remain the same, but you may have a few more tasks that you'd like your employees to accomplish at the end of the day.

Here's how to make a kitchen closing checklist-

1. Identify the tasks

Keep an eye on your back-of-house staff while they pack up for the night. With the kitchen closing checklist, make a note of any loose ends you want to tie up.

Tasks on a typical kitchen closing checklist include-

  • All lights, ovens, grills, stoves, and hot surfaces should be turned off
  • Cooking equipment, glasses, and plates should be stored safely
  • All remaining food that can be used later should be wrapped, dated, and stored
  • Remove the garbage
  • Clean and sanitize all surfaces and floors
  • Wipe the monitor screen in the kitchen clean

2. Organize your tasks

It's a good idea to organize your kitchen closing checklists by common threads, just like your opening checklist. This arrangement is critical because there are more chores to complete at closing than at opening.

Closing tasks can be divided into three categories- cleaning, safety, and general.

3 . Create the kitchen closing checklist

List the activities on an Excel page and use it as your printable kitchen closing checklist after everything is in order. Leave space for comments and signatures from whoever examined the tasks, as previously, so that any errors or issues may be followed up on.

4. Assemble the stuff required for cleaning

In addition, your kitchen should be equipped with items that will be needed for cleaning at the end of the day. It is important to compile a list of the items needed for kitchen cleaning and assign the duty to the cleaning staff.

Closing a restaurant can be stressful

A Comprehensive Kitchen Closing Checklist will help you get organized and make the process easier

Frequently Asked Questions

A kitchen checklist is a list of all the things that need to be done to keep everyone organized and on task. If you are not familiar with the term, a kitchen checklist is a list of steps or instructions for certain tasks within your kitchen. It is your secret weapon when you are trying to standardize the process and streamline operations.A kitchen checklist is a list of all the things that need to be done to keep everyone organized and on task. If you are not familiar with the term, a kitchen checklist is a list of steps or instructions for certain tasks within your kitchen. It is your secret weapon when you are trying to standardize the process and streamline operations.A kitchen checklist is a list of all the things that need to be done to keep everyone organized and on task. If you are not familiar with the term, a kitchen checklist is a list of steps or instructions for certain tasks within your kitchen. It is your secret weapon when you are trying to standardize the process and streamline operations.A kitchen checklist is a list of all the things that need to be done to keep everyone organized and on task. If you are not familiar with the term, a kitchen checklist is a list of steps or instructions for certain tasks within your kitchen. It is your secret weapon when you are trying to standardize the process and streamline operations.
There are times when you are a manager, and you need to make important decisions. Perhaps you need to hire someone or maybe you want to know if you've hired the right candidate. Maybe you're a first time manager who needs to know what tasks are required to manage a team. Whatever the case may be, having an opening/closing checklist will help you make the right decisions. This checklist will help you manage the process of opening or closing a business. You have to be careful when closing a business because you have to account for all the financials, work involved, and other factors.There are times when you are a manager, and you need to make important decisions. Perhaps you need to hire someone or maybe you want to know if you've hired the right candidate. Maybe you're a first time manager who needs to know what tasks are required to manage a team. Whatever the case may be, having an opening/closing checklist will help you make the right decisions. This checklist will help you manage the process of opening or closing a business. You have to be careful when closing a business because you have to account for all the financials, work involved, and other factors.There are times when you are a manager, and you need to make important decisions. Perhaps you need to hire someone or maybe you want to know if you've hired the right candidate. Maybe you're a first time manager who needs to know what tasks are required to manage a team. Whatever the case may be, having an opening/closing checklist will help you make the right decisions. This checklist will help you manage the process of opening or closing a business. You have to be careful when closing a business because you have to account for all the financials, work involved, and other factors.There are times when you are a manager, and you need to make important decisions. Perhaps you need to hire someone or maybe you want to know if you've hired the right candidate. Maybe you're a first time manager who needs to know what tasks are required to manage a team. Whatever the case may be, having an opening/closing checklist will help you make the right decisions. This checklist will help you manage the process of opening or closing a business. You have to be careful when closing a business because you have to account for all the financials, work involved, and other factors.
When a restaurant closes, there's always that period of time where it seems like everything is just going to continue on as usual. It's a lot of work to close, maintain, and revamp the entire dining area. However, after the last customer leaves, that's exactly what's going to happen. You're going to have to finalize all the inventory and close the books. You're going to have to clean everything, and you're going to have to make all the necessary changes to prepare for the next phase of the business.When a restaurant closes, there's always that period of time where it seems like everything is just going to continue on as usual. It's a lot of work to close, maintain, and revamp the entire dining area. However, after the last customer leaves, that's exactly what's going to happen. You're going to have to finalize all the inventory and close the books. You're going to have to clean everything, and you're going to have to make all the necessary changes to prepare for the next phase of the business.When a restaurant closes, there's always that period of time where it seems like everything is just going to continue on as usual. It's a lot of work to close, maintain, and revamp the entire dining area. However, after the last customer leaves, that's exactly what's going to happen. You're going to have to finalize all the inventory and close the books. You're going to have to clean everything, and you're going to have to make all the necessary changes to prepare for the next phase of the business.When a restaurant closes, there's always that period of time where it seems like everything is just going to continue on as usual. It's a lot of work to close, maintain, and revamp the entire dining area. However, after the last customer leaves, that's exactly what's going to happen. You're going to have to finalize all the inventory and close the books. You're going to have to clean everything, and you're going to have to make all the necessary changes to prepare for the next phase of the business.