Restaurant Closing Checklist- A Guide to How to Close Your Restaurant

What is a restaurant closing checklist?

A restaurant opening checklist and closing checklist are lists of duties that must be completed by restaurant personnel at the beginning and the conclusion of the workday. These checklists are typically printed on paper or made digitally available and submitted via a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Team members working the closing shifts cross items off their to-do lists when they do them.

Restaurants usually construct opening and closing checklists for each team and the jobs they're in charge of. This includes the front of the house (FOH), back of the house (BOH), and management checklist.

What to include in your restaurant closing checklist?

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When it's time to close the restaurant for the night, you'll want to complete as much prep work as possible so that the restaurant is ready to open the next day. The following are some of the most crucial items to include on your restaurant closing checklist-

  • Change the "Open" to the "Closed" sign on the door.
  • If you have a glass front door, clean it down to remove fingerprints.
  • Menus should be wiped down and sanitized.
  • Tables, counters, booths, high chairs, booster seats, and any other open surfaces should be wiped down and sanitized.
  • Salt, pepper, and sugar should all be replenished.
  • Paper napkins should be replenished.
  • Place the chairs around the table.
  • All water pitchers should be emptied.
  • Soda dispensers should be cleaned and sanitized.
  • Dry any glassware or silverware that has been newly cleaned.
  • Remove the glassware and silverware from the table.
  • Table linens and napkins should be folded.
  • Take out the trash, clean the bins, and replace the bags.
  • Bathroom surfaces and sinks should be wiped off and sanitized.
  • Clean and sterilize the coffeemaker once it has been turned off.
  • Clean up the coffee station and replenish supplies if necessary.
  • Print the daily report at the end of the day.
  • Finish up at the cash register.
  • Vacuum, sweep, mop the floors.
  • Count the number of items in the freezers.
  • Make certain that no food is left unattended.
  • Refrigerators and dessert cases should be cleaned and sanitized.
  • Make sure all refrigerators and dessert dishes are set at 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Wipe off kitchen sinks and, if necessary, replenish soap and paper towels.
  • Make a list of things that the next day's staff should be aware of to provide better service.
  • Punch your way out.

Running a restaurant is hard work. You’re not just running the business, you’re also the chef, accountant, janitor, and more

Our restaurant closing checklist has all the information you need to close your restaurant for good!

What are the benefits of restaurant closing checklist?

Having a standard operating procedure in place before you close for the day benefits everyone in the community- customers, employees, owners, and everyone else. According to a P&G Professional study, 85 percent of United States customers believe that eating in a clean restaurant is just as vital as eating good food.

Here are some of the most important advantages of having a restaurant closing checklist in place-

1. Helpful reminder

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For a restaurant to run smoothly, each Restaurant Employee must work together toward a single goal. Even the most basic jobs, such as wiping the door handles, might be overlooked when there are a lot of people doing things and a lot of things to do. Checklists assist employees in ensuring that no duty, no matter how small, is overlooked.

2. Staff accountability

You can hold employees accountable if something goes wrong or a task isn't finished if you have restaurant checklists that they must complete and sign off on at the end of each day.

You'll be able to tell who was accountable for what work on any given day, whether you have one person fill out each checklist or allocate it to numerous employees and have them sign their initials next to each completed assignment.

Closing a restaurant is not an easy task. You need to make sure you have all your ducks in a row before you can close up shop

Restaurant Closing Checklist will cover everything from how to address your staff, what tasks need to be completed, and what documents are required for closing

3. Cost savings

Turning off the lights and lowering the heat or air conditioning is a crucial element of closing a restaurant at night. This simple task saves a lot of money on utility bills. When this task is included in the restaurant closing checklist, it is more likely that it will be completed. Your restaurant may save money and be more energy-efficient by reducing gas and electricity usage.

4. Increased safety

Locking up the restaurant, arming the security system, and making sure all large appliances are switched off are all crucial closing tasks. A break-in or fire could threaten employees and customers, as well as result in exorbitant costs that could put the company out of business. These crucial duties are more likely to be completed when they are included in the restaurant closing checklist, which boosts restaurant security.

Tips for implementing a restaurant closing checklist

Here are some tips to implement a restaurant closing checklist-

1. Brainstorm tasks

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To begin with, make a list of the tasks that will be included in the checklist. Write down the routine tasks that the FOH, BOH, and management team members perform at the conclusion of the day. Also, inquire about whatever chores they believe should be included in their opening and closing routines. They're on the ground floor, and their knowledge will be invaluable.

2. Create your restaurant checklists

Create checklists based on responsibilities. Put a checkbox next to each item and have employees check off tasks as they are completed, then sign off, date, and timestamp the checklist when it is finished. To encourage accountability, ask team members to put their initials next to items they've accomplished if you're splitting up responsibilities. Make distinct checklists for the opening and closing shifts, as well as for other restaurant roles.

3. Share checklists with the team

If you've never utilized checklists previously in your restaurant, we recommend announcing them in an all-staff meeting or through your team's communication tool. Explain how they'll be used and what you expect from them.

4. Stay organized

Keep a binder with copies of the checklists in the workplace or in a location that is relevant to each function. If you want to go digital, opt for a checklist software like Zip Checklist and share it with whoever is in charge of making sure each item is accomplished.

Types of restaurant closing checklist

The following are three different types of restaurant closing checklists-

1. Front of house and bar closing checklist

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The front-of-house and bar personnel are in charge of making sure the restaurant is clean, well-stocked, organized, and safe during the closing shift. In most cases, they are also in charge of closing up the institution at night.

Here is a front-of-house and bar closing checklist template-


  • All surfaces should be wiped down and sanitized.
  • Return the seats to their original positions.
  • Sweep the entranceway.
  • Menus should be wiped down and sanitized.
  • Make a list.
  • Liquor restock.

  • Install a security system.
  • Close the doors.
  • All windows should be closed.

  • All tools and equipment should be returned to their original placements.

  • Count the money in the register.
  • Check that the amount of cash on hand matches the amount recorded in your POS system.

2. Back of house closing checklist

The culinary team has a lot of work to do to keep the back of the house clean and safe. These are the items that should be on your BOH restaurant closure checklist.


  • All surfaces should be sanitized and wiped down.
  • Dishwashing.
  • Garbage removal.

Food safety
  • Surfaces used for food preparation should be disinfected.
  • Return the food to its designated storage location.
  • Check for pests and rodents.
  • Close the refrigerator and freezer doors.

  • Take inventory of what you have
  • Donate any ingredients that are no longer used to a homeless shelter.

  • At each kitchen station, set tools in their right locations.

Safety in general
  • Check to see if ovens, stoves, fryers, and other kitchen appliances have been switched off.
  • Make sure the back door is shut.

3. Restaurant manager closing checklist

Managers are in charge of daily operations, finances, and staffing requirements, which is why their restaurant open and shut checklists are distinct from those of servers and cooks.


  • Check the staff schedule for the next day.
  • Examine the clock-in and out times.
  • Keep track of how well your employees are performing.

  • Return items to their original locations.
  • Clean up the office.

  • Make sure your bills are paid.
  • Ensure that payroll is paid.
  • Organize your overtime schedule.
  • Ensure that the cash registers are in order.

  • POS systems with safety locks.
  • Turn off the computers.
  • Lock doors and activate the alarm system.

Closing a restaurant can be a complicated process

Our checklist is designed to help you make sure your restaurant is ready for the final stretch

Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you are a restaurant owner or a tenant looking to lease a space, you can close a restaurant down smoothly with the help of a standard procedure. The basic steps are as following- Closure of a restaurant means in the process of shutting down or ending the business. The process of closing down could involve a few different tasks, but it always involves the same steps. The first step is to prepare your restaurant to be closed down. This means you need to remove all of the equipment and furniture from the restaurant. After you've removed everything, you need to change the locks, put up signs, and give the keys back to the landlord. After you've completed step one, the remaining three steps are to clean, sanitize, and sanitize again. The final step is to sanitize again, which is called the final sanitization. The final sanitization is a very important step, especially for restaurants that serve food. If the final sanitization is not performed properly, the restaurant and its equipment can be harmful to its occupants and its neighbors. Doing this process wrong can cause odors, food residue, and bacteria to spread throughout the building.Whether you are a restaurant owner or a tenant looking to lease a space, you can close a restaurant down smoothly with the help of a standard procedure. The basic steps are as following- Closure of a restaurant means in the process of shutting down or ending the business. The process of closing down could involve a few different tasks, but it always involves the same steps. The first step is to prepare your restaurant to be closed down. This means you need to remove all of the equipment and furniture from the restaurant. After you've removed everything, you need to change the locks, put up signs, and give the keys back to the landlord. After you've completed step one, the remaining three steps are to clean, sanitize, and sanitize again. The final step is to sanitize again, which is called the final sanitization. The final sanitization is a very important step, especially for restaurants that serve food. If the final sanitization is not performed properly, the restaurant and its equipment can be harmful to its occupants and its neighbors. Doing this process wrong can cause odors, food residue, and bacteria to spread throughout the building.Whether you are a restaurant owner or a tenant looking to lease a space, you can close a restaurant down smoothly with the help of a standard procedure. The basic steps are as following- Closure of a restaurant means in the process of shutting down or ending the business. The process of closing down could involve a few different tasks, but it always involves the same steps. The first step is to prepare your restaurant to be closed down. This means you need to remove all of the equipment and furniture from the restaurant. After you've removed everything, you need to change the locks, put up signs, and give the keys back to the landlord. After you've completed step one, the remaining three steps are to clean, sanitize, and sanitize again. The final step is to sanitize again, which is called the final sanitization. The final sanitization is a very important step, especially for restaurants that serve food. If the final sanitization is not performed properly, the restaurant and its equipment can be harmful to its occupants and its neighbors. Doing this process wrong can cause odors, food residue, and bacteria to spread throughout the building.Whether you are a restaurant owner or a tenant looking to lease a space, you can close a restaurant down smoothly with the help of a standard procedure. The basic steps are as following- Closure of a restaurant means in the process of shutting down or ending the business. The process of closing down could involve a few different tasks, but it always involves the same steps. The first step is to prepare your restaurant to be closed down. This means you need to remove all of the equipment and furniture from the restaurant. After you've removed everything, you need to change the locks, put up signs, and give the keys back to the landlord. After you've completed step one, the remaining three steps are to clean, sanitize, and sanitize again. The final step is to sanitize again, which is called the final sanitization. The final sanitization is a very important step, especially for restaurants that serve food. If the final sanitization is not performed properly, the restaurant and its equipment can be harmful to its occupants and its neighbors. Doing this process wrong can cause odors, food residue, and bacteria to spread throughout the building.
When you own a restaurant, you're probably going to run it for some time. But that doesn't mean it won't be an emotional roller coaster. If you've ever owned your own business, you know how rewarding it can be. But, it's not for everyone. If you decide to close your restaurant, here is how to do it. First, assess your financials. Do you have enough money to close the business? Is there a way to pay off the debts? You may wonder if it's possible to close a restaurant without any money left. The answer is yes. However, it will be much harder and require a lot of planning.When you own a restaurant, you're probably going to run it for some time. But that doesn't mean it won't be an emotional roller coaster. If you've ever owned your own business, you know how rewarding it can be. But, it's not for everyone. If you decide to close your restaurant, here is how to do it. First, assess your financials. Do you have enough money to close the business? Is there a way to pay off the debts? You may wonder if it's possible to close a restaurant without any money left. The answer is yes. However, it will be much harder and require a lot of planning.When you own a restaurant, you're probably going to run it for some time. But that doesn't mean it won't be an emotional roller coaster. If you've ever owned your own business, you know how rewarding it can be. But, it's not for everyone. If you decide to close your restaurant, here is how to do it. First, assess your financials. Do you have enough money to close the business? Is there a way to pay off the debts? You may wonder if it's possible to close a restaurant without any money left. The answer is yes. However, it will be much harder and require a lot of planning.When you own a restaurant, you're probably going to run it for some time. But that doesn't mean it won't be an emotional roller coaster. If you've ever owned your own business, you know how rewarding it can be. But, it's not for everyone. If you decide to close your restaurant, here is how to do it. First, assess your financials. Do you have enough money to close the business? Is there a way to pay off the debts? You may wonder if it's possible to close a restaurant without any money left. The answer is yes. However, it will be much harder and require a lot of planning.
Closing a restaurant requires more than just running errands and locking the doors for the last time. You have to prep everything for the next day, prepare yourself for the next day, and balance the weariness of the day with the excitement of what's to come. Closing a restaurant requires more than just running errands and locking the doors for the last time. You have to prep everything for the next day, prepare yourself for the next day, and balance the weariness of the day with the excitement of what's to come. Closing a restaurant requires more than just running errands and locking the doors for the last time. You have to prep everything for the next day, prepare yourself for the next day, and balance the weariness of the day with the excitement of what's to come. Closing a restaurant requires more than just running errands and locking the doors for the last time. You have to prep everything for the next day, prepare yourself for the next day, and balance the weariness of the day with the excitement of what's to come.