How to Improve Workplace Communication Skills


Large companies report losing over $62 million dollars and smaller companies lose over $420,000 per year as a result of communication barriers in the workplace. Both large and small business owners must continually study how to improve workplace communication skills in order to adapt and succeed.

Tips and Tricks on Improving Workplace Communication

Workplace communication is the transfer of data within a business. Effective workplace communication happens when data is sent and received accurately. Below are tips and tricks for improving overall communication in the workplace-

  1. Communicate mindfully- Communication occurs in more complex ways than simply verbal communication. Make sure you are conscious of non verbal body language and tone when communicating with others.

    Avoid raising your voice or and keep your facial expression relaxed. Practice keeping appropriate eye contact and nodding your head to acknowledge that you've received a message correctly.

  2. Pay attention- Make sure you are focused on the conversation you are having and avoid distractions. Checking your phone constantly during a conversation is not only rude, but it does not allow you to fully listen to what someone is communicating to you. Show respect by engaging with your employee and keeping appropriate eye contact with them while they are speaking to you.

  3. Active listening- One way conversations are unproductive and overbearing. Pause to ask questions and encourage your team member to take time to ask for clarification whenever it is needed. Active listening will help your employee feel heard and validated.

  4. Improve leadership- Improper communication corrodes a company from the inside out. Ineffective communication also has a trickle-down effect for everyone involved in the supply chain, including decreased customer service.

    Management and leadership roles must demonstrate strong communication skills in order to set the standard for others in the company. Leading by example is one of the best ways to improve workplace communication.
When workplace communication is effective, businesses will find their bottom line improving and everyone in your business's supply chain will benefit. Some benefits of effective workplace communication skills include-

  • Clearly established job descriptions, tasks, and responsibilities
  • Creates and maintains accountability
  • Strengthens company culture
  • Better employee relationships
  • Optimized customer service

The Benefits of Effective Communication for Business Growth

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Learning how to improve workplace communication skills will positively influence both business operations and the overall work environment. There are many reasons that improving communication in the workplace is beneficial, including-

  1. Greater productivity- By decreasing unproductive conversations that are not directly associated with duties or important due dates, everyone can focus on their current tasks. Business professionals should always strive to share only relevant data as timely as possible. With greater productivity comes the potential to expand business operations and ventures.

  2. Decreased Conflict- Improved communication lessens miscommunications that have the potential develop into larger issues. Miscommunications can be costly if they progress into a lawsuit, and create a tense environment that will negatively impact your bottom line.

    Make sure that your human resource department addresses miscommunications promptly and that they have received the proper training to resolve conflict. Conflict resolution works best if everyone feels validated and can work together to find a solution.

  3. Team building- Effective communication helps employees to understand both their own others responsibilities. Clearly communicated expectations decrease stress, provide direction, and prevent costly mistakes and tense conflicts. Established effective communication protocol will minimize communication gaps and greatly improve team building potential.

  4. Happier employees- When employees feel comfortable communicating amongst themselves, they will start to look forward to coming to work instead and be happier and more productive as a result. Make sure to offer your employees support by periodically asking about their successes, frustrations, and difficulties. When everyone feels they have a voice that is validated, they will feel much more content and happier in the workplace.

  5. Consistency- Make sure everyone involved in your internal operations is given the same information to increase the probability of consistent external communications. When employees all receive different information there will necessarily be miscommunications.

    Miscommunications can negatively affect the efficiency of your company, both internally and externally. An organized and consistently communicative company is more appealing to consumers and is less likely to produce costly errors.


  • Workplace communication is the exchange of data within a business. Effective workplace communication occurs when information is sent and accepted accurately.
  • Large companies lose over $62 million dollars and smaller companies over $420,000 per year as a result of communication barriers in the workplace.
  • Improve workplace communication skills to create and maintain a successful and long-lived business.
  • Non verbal cues, facial expression, and eye contact are all important aspects of body language to keep in mind when communicating with others in the workplace.
  • Practice active listening and nodding to affirm that you've heard the person you are speaking with and encourage them to ask questions and for feedback during the conversation.
  • Everyone involved in business operations and in the supply chain will be positively impacted by improving workplace communications.

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