Ways to More Effectively Manage Your Business Tasks
Business owners may implement business task management techniques in order to respond to their work with focus and maximize productivity potential.
Tips on Time Management
Small business owners constantly and consistently manage a large variety of tasks, ranging from time tracking to project management. A single human being can only fill so many different roles in 24 hours. Thankfully, business task management strategies can optimize all variables of the task management process. Business professionals should utilize the below work management tips to provide their business with the best task management possible-
1. Establish goals-
- Define clear, attainable goals
- Divide goals by short and long-term
- Employ the SMART goals method. SMART stands for "Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound." Ensure goals meet the defined criteria of the words contained within the acronym
- Plan daily to work on tasks and activities that directly contribute towards reaching established short and long-term goals
2. Plan ahead-
- Consistently and consciously dedicate time to task and project planning
- Focus on one task at a time, instead of attempting to multitask or frantically jumping from one task to the next, and rarely completing anything as a result
- Keep track of recurring task entries and track task progression to avoid reperforming unnecessary labor
- Look for opportunities to work smarter, not harder
- Dedicate 5- 10 minutes before beginning work to think ahead. Select one of the following project planning options based on your schedule-
- The night before- At the end of your workday, take 15 minutes to clear your desk and compile a task list of the most pressing objectives to focus on the following day. Not only is this a great decompression technique, but you'll feel less stressed arriving at a clean desk equipped with an organized task list the next time you work
- First thing in the morning- Get to your desk a few minutes early to assemble your prioritized task list, following the same guidelines listed above
3. Prioritize efforts-
- Categorize your task list based on the urgency of each task
- Track task completion by checking them off your list in real time as they are finished. Not only will this keep you organized, but it will also keep you accountable and motivated as you move down your task list. A well composed task list is an indispensable task management tool.
- Consider using the categorical criterium established by Stephen Covey when composing your to-do list-
- Important and urgent- Top priority tasks requiring immediate attention and energy. Focus energy on completing the most important and urgent tasks before moving on to less time-sensitive items
- Important but not urgent- Tasks that may appear important on the surface level. However, upon closer examination, these tasks can be postponed if necessary or have a later due date
- Urgent but not important- Tasks that may continually demand attention but have little or no lasting value upon completion. Assign task per employee availability whenever possible
- Not urgent and not important- Low-priority tasks that offer the illusion of productivity. Address these tasks later when time permits
4. Limit or eliminate social distractions-

- Track both self-induced and outside interruptions
- Time tracking systems can be very useful for understanding social media usage while on the clock. Although smartphones can be extremely useful technological advances, they are also highly-addictive and time-consuming
- Consider turning off your phone and shutting the door while working in order to maximize efficiency
- Designate a time in the day for social functions, whether to catch up on email or talk with staff
5. Decline unproductive requests-
- Do not get overly invested in a task to the point that you will refuse to abandon it even upon realizing that the task is not working towards your short or long-term goals. Remember, any task that takes you away from your goals is hurting your bottom line
- You're the boss- do not be afraid to firmly but politely say no to ideas, requests, projects, and activities
- Learn from experience in order to avoid wasting time later on a similiarrecurring task
6. Delegate as much as possible-
- Assign task to an alternative team member whenever possible and appropriate
- Remember, task delegation is the main reason why you hired, trained, and pay your talented and dedicated employees
7. Track time-
- Time tracking is an effective tool to help gauge exactly how much time a single task takes
- Utilize a simple time tracking software to swiftly and effortlessly clock in and out of various tasks and projects. Time tracking software allows employees to switch jobs or tasks with just one click
- Take advantage of smart device technology including cloud based mobile and desktop applications to improve efficiency, ease of usage, and accessibility
- Consistently generate detailed real-time reports to see where there is room for improvement and growth
8. Practice and advocate for self-care-

- Take care of yourself by getting adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly
- Carve out free time each day to spend with and on the people and things you love outside of your business. This time is crucial for both physical and mental health as well as avoiding burnout
- Insomnia causes the average worker to lose up to 11.3 days of productivity each year
- Regular exercise helps improve memory, concentration, learning ability, and decreases stress levels
- Encourage self-care for your employees in order to improve both work satisfaction and your overall bottom line

- Task management software can help small business owners to establish work-life balance and optimize bottom line
- Project management tips range from project planning to finding the best task management software for your business
- Both project and task managers alike should learn how to best manage tasks utilizing task management software, management tools, time tracking, and various other cloud based and mobile apps
- Business owners should practice and advocate for self-care in the workplace. Studies have shown that self-care improves both team member efficiency and effectiveness